I still wonder if events can get magnetically recorded in the environment. Let me explain. My dad was a mariachi and not deceased when on certain occasions we would hear a faint playing of the violin in our house. Now, we all heard it in the family but dad was still alive, and often played his violin. Mom would tell us that it was recorded in the walls and that in Mexico they call them echoes. We heard this several times and I've found that if there is underground water activity that this can also cause certain magnetic reactions in buildings. Now I would love to think that our energy goes somewhere, but there is no proof.
On a different occasion, my brother in law (that is now a heavy duty elder) , his little brother, and I were house sitting the house for our fiancees. Yes, my buddy and I were dating sisters. So we had the bright idea of renting a VHS of the exorcist. We started to watch it and at the point where they were unearthing the artifacts, we all heard what sounded like a plastic cup fall in the kitchen, and it bounced several times till it came to a rest. We looked at each other, paused the movie and went to look for the fallen cup. We found nothing, that freaked us out and we took the movie out and through it in our car. LOL, so we still talk about that night, but now that I know better, since we all heard it, I chalk it up to it perhaps being recorded in the environment. In the past, I have found some scientific magnetism hypothesis on this. I guess I will take that explanation as my closest reality to the subject. I do know that our amygadala plays a huge role in hallucination while stressed, anxious, afraid, etc....
The amygadala plays a lead role in our flight or fight experiences. This is supposedly where David Banner from the Hulk show was dificient in before medicating himself. Also in Robocop, when his amygadala was out of wac, he would cry and emotions were uncontrollable, so they killed his amgadala. Kids with Autism have amygadalas that do not function in the understanding of others emotions or external environment. Therefore there are varying robotic conditions to their personality, or there lack of.